Friday, July 13, 2018

I will create a short video message. Birthdays, anniversary, job interview or any personal message.

I will create a short video message. Birthdays, anniversary, job interview or any personal message.


Posh English Lady will create a video saying anything you want to convey, and sound smarter than you could. Everybody knows the English are smarter. Ask for a raise, propose marriage, or simply announce your arrival with class and style with Posh English Lady's assistance. One video or audio up to 30 sec ( 30 words or so). For writing the script add $10. If you provide me with script, gig stays the same. 30 secs is approx. 30 words!


imarketingdata:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

robbradbury:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

brinmilwaukee:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

brinmilwaukee:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

limoscott:Thumbs Up

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